Teenage is a stage in life marked by unimaginable traumas and turbulences. This is nothing new for many. This gets scary if a teen is suffering from any mental disorder or even depression. If you are a parent, your teen son or daughter needs extra care. In case of any mental problems such as depression, could get trickier since symptoms here could be overlooked.

It is imperative to mention that neglecting depressive signs in teenagers could be to the teen’s health detriment. This could even complicate the treatment for the condition. Take time to observe any unhealthy signs of depression and address then as soon as you can. Any unusual behavior in teens should never be overlooked.

Depression symptoms in teenagers

The following are the commonly experienced signs of teenage depression:

1. Unexplained sadness

womenOne of the most recognizable signs of teenage depression is extreme sadness. Whether severe or mild, sadness in teenagers should not be taken lightly. It is known that teenagers have a lot of energy and needs to be tamed. This is a phase characterized by high life hopes. This could be so difficult if the force is on the opposite side. Do not sit back and watch, take an action and see the best way to help your teenage son or daughter.

2. Eroded self-esteem

It is in this phase of life that most teenagers lose confidence in themselves. This depletes their self-worth due to depression. Most people lose their belief once under depression. You need …